Music Ministry

About MFA Music Ministry Fine Arts Ministry MFA Schedule MFA Staff

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Music Ministry Membership

To become a member of the TBOC Music Ministry, you must be an active member of the True Believers of Christ Community Church.  Choir members must have a desire to offer praise unto God through song.  Individuals must have received a special calling by God to be a part of the music ministry.   Most music ministries are comprised of exceptionally talented as well as moderately talented individuals and the ability to learn music as taught is required by all.  Supreme dedication and commitment to God and TBOC is required. 

The History or Story Behind My Site

Depending on the topic of my site, I could include historical information about my subject. For example, if my site is about my business, I could discuss how my business got started. If my site is about a sports team, music group, movie star, or my family, I could chronologically list or summarize major events important to my topic.


My About page is also a great place to give information about others involved with my site's topic, such as the leaders of my organization, club, or company; an ancestor; my family; and so forth.

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